Publisher: BibleQuest Product Creation | Game Play Design | Product Development | Creative Direction | Graphic Design: Carl Braun Release Date: August 2006 Product Info: The former CEO of Donruss Trading Cards spearheaded the creation of BibleQuest, an "infotainment" brand meant to bring biblical stories to the masses through action figures, puzzles, cards and board games. It was during this time that I was the Product Development Manager / Creative Director of Score Entertainment, the Entertainment / Gaming brand under the Donruss umbrella. As a result, the look and feel of BibleQuest became my responsibility. One of the first products was a small, illustrated trading card set of 33 images. The illustrator had been paid a premium for his work and I was challenged to find another use for these images. From this challenge was born StoryChasers. StoryChasers is a Game-in-a-Box concept that I developed where players race to complete the story of their chosen biblical character. Once you obtain all five cards of your character's story, you read it aloud to the other players and win the game! This product features my favorite Rule Book. It's a delicate read due to the die cuts, but short, informative and very cool to look at. Still my favorite from any of the twenty-plus different games I've worked on! I'm also proud to say that StoryChasers became the best-selling BibleQuest Product!